|| Vidya Vinayen Shobhate ||

To pioneer a demanding legal education so engaged with the profession that our graduates have an enduring advantage as they meet the challenges of an increasingly complex world.


  • To provide the students with the best opportunities and environment for higher education and enable them to attain very high levels of academic excellence
  • To provide the student with adequate knowledge and experience of the country’s legal system.
  • To provide a scholarly and vibrant learning environment that enables staff and students to achieve personal and professional growth.
  • To inculcate in the students the ethical values in life so as to cater to their spiritual development.
  • Strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity so that we rise to higher levels of endeavor and achievement.
  • Imbibe or to facilitate in the minds of the students their obligations towards the creation of law literate society.
  • To give such education and training to learners that caters to the needs of various employment opportunities to which the learners can have early access with equal opportunity.